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The Lens of 可持续性

At Hga010皇冠软件下载, we view our work and every business decision through the lens of sustainability.

Stating Our Goals

We’re a public health product and 服务 company committed to putting people and the planet first, in everything we do.

We’ve set ambitious sustainability goals that touch every aspect of our business. From converting our gas-powered fleet to hybrid vehicles and striving towards a Zero Waste initiative, we are leading by action and delivering real results.

clarke cares local global tshirt

Our Current 可持续性 Goal Set

Goals are set to grow both the organization and the people who are striving to meet them.  Below is a summary of the current 可持续性 Goals that the Hga010皇冠软件下载 organization is working towards.


  • Reduce carbon footprint by 25% compared to 2014
  • Become 100% carbon neutral for Scope 1 and 2 emissions
  • Source 10% of total electricity from on-site renewable energy sources (solar or wind)
  • Divert greater than 85% of our total solid waste through recycling, reuse and repurposing
  • Send less than 15% of our total solid waste to Waste to Energy
  • Send less than 1% of our total solid waste to landfill

产品 & 服务

  • Generate 30% of revenue from Next Gen products & 服务
  • Implement Label Transparency Program for all Next Gen products
  • Establish full portfolio of OMRI Listed products for mosquito control market


  • Donate 1% of annual revenue from Next Gen products and 服务 to environmental causes
  • Donate an average of 10 hours of volunteer time per employee per year
  • Achieve 100% employee engagement in volunteer activities


  • Achieve an annual employee retention rate of 95% or better
  • 减少环境污染&S Incident Rate by 80% compared to 2014
  • 减少环境污染&S Lost Time Rate by 15% per year

PRINCIPLED:  Our Latest 可持续性 Report

Hga010皇冠软件下载’s 2021 可持续性 Report summarizes our progress against our current goal set and highlights the principles that guided our continued growth and our dedication to our coworkers, customers and partners while navigating through COVID, global supply chain disruptions, and other challenges unprecedented in our 75-year history.

Our established Guiding Principles, introduced in this report, steer our actions and behaviors in all that we do, and they are reflected in many of the stories you’ll read.

Download our Latest 可持续性 Report

The cover our Hga010皇冠软件下载's latest 可持续性 Report, Principled.

We recognize that every action we take, 大或小, can directly impact the environment and significantly affect future generations.

portrait of J Lyelle Hga010皇冠软件下载 III
J. Lyell Hga010皇冠软件下载, III
Chairman, President and CEO

Inspiration for Change

自2009年以来, environmental accountability has become the rule—not the exception—in every aspect of our business.

We’ve documented our sustainability journey and published our progress along the way.

Access our archive of sustainability reports.

community area with flower garden and fountain

LEED Platinum and LEED Silver Certified Hga010皇冠软件下载 Buildings in Illinois

Two Hga010皇冠软件下载 facilities in Illinois have officially been recognized as LEED Certified by the U.S. Green Building Council.

people working in a grassy field at surise

READY: Our 2019 可持续性 Report

Hga010皇冠软件下载 is more ready today than ever before to serve our customers and the communities where we live and work.


保护. 节约. Control With Hga010皇冠软件下载.

Find out what a sustainable mosquito control program looks like for your community.

Connect with Hga010皇冠软件下载